The Most Common Tools For Excavating


The Most Common Tools For Excavating

Excavating is a heavy duty job that requires the right equipment to get the job done. This is why a professional excavation company will invest in top-quality tools. Each tool can handle different types of digging tasks.


The spade is one of the most common tools used for excavating. It can be used to dig trenches and other deeper holes, as well as for edging lawns or lifting sod. In addition, the spade can be used to bury small weeds and mix in plant matter or compost. This can help soil to loosen and aerate, which in turn increases access for beneficial earth worms. The spade can also be used to divide plants that need it, such as trees that outgrow their space in your garden. This can be done by gently levering them away from the ground, without damaging their roots.


A shovel is a simple tool that can be used to lift and dig soil. It can also be used to scoop and move large amounts of material, such as sand or gravel. Shovels are usually made from metal and feature a blade attached to a handle. The blade can be flat or pointed, depending on the type of soil being worked with. The handle of a shovel is usually connected to the blade by a screw or rivet. This can make it easier to replace the handle if it ever breaks down. A shovel may have a kickplate that allows you to put your foot on the upper edge of the blade and add pressure to dig deeper. This can be helpful if you’re working with heavy ground.


When digging a trench it is important to have all of the appropriate tools on hand. Each tool is designed for a different purpose and works together to dig the trench. A shovel is used to shape the trench and scoop up loose dirt. A pickaxe can be used to soften the ground before you start digging, this is especially useful in cold weather when the top layer of soil is tougher to dig. The pointed side of a pickaxe is great for lodging under rocks or hard ground and prying them free, while the flat head is good for chopping through roots. A 60” bar is also handy for breaking up really hard dirt like caliche.


A mattock is a tool that can be used to dig or break up soil. It combines an axe blade on one end with an adze (horizontal blade) on the other. It can be used on both hard and soft ground, as well as rocky terrain. It can be used for a variety of tasks, including digging trenches and cultivating soil in raised beds. To use a mattock, grasp the handle or shaft about halfway through the head and place the other hand at the base. Bend at the waist and flex your knees. You can then swing the mattock downward in an arc, making short chops under the weight of the tool. This helps save energy and reduces the risk of straining your back.

Machine Tools

When it comes to digging, there are a variety of tools available. These vary depending on the project and the materials that will be used. When digging in soft ground, a dragline is the best option. These machines have long booms, and a digging bucket is suspended on a cable that hangs from the top of the boom. They are a great choice for larger excavations such as port construction, pond and canal dredging, and pile driving. They can also be rented for small jobs that require only the use of heavy machinery. If you’re not sure which excavating equipment is right for your job, a professional provider will help you determine the best options.

The Proper Way To Sharpen an Axe

A sharpened axe allows you to work faster, more efficiently, and with more precision and less effort. Knowing how to sharpen an axe is an important skill to master if you frequently use it in your daily tasks. 

On the other hand, you don’t want the edge of your axe to be so sharp that you can cut the hairs on your arm. If you are using your axe to cut into dirt-encrusted wood, you simply need it to have a clean, work-like edge. 

This article will highlight the best way to sharpen your axe.

How sharp should an axe be?

As previously mentioned, you don’t want your axe to be razor-sharp. This is because axes that are shaped to the point that they are razor-sharp tend to be more prone to chipping. Even more so than a standard edge. 

The axe should simply be sharp enough to cut through wood fibers. 

Steps in sharpening an axe

You can use a file to sharpen the edge of your axe. This process will yield acceptable results and leave you with a serviceable edge. You will need the following tools to sharpen your axe:

1. Clamp your axe

Using a file to sharpen your axe will require a lot of movement. You’ll need to secure the axe to a surface to prevent any injury while you are filing the axe. Use a clamp and clamp the axe’s handle to a work table, allowing the blade to extend just past the edge of the table so that you can safely file it. 

2. Clean the axe

Use bug and tar remover to clean off any debris or build-up on the axe’s surface. This build-up or debris may clog your file, so working on a clean surface is essential. You can do this by cleaning off the axe before starting. 

3. File the axe

You may proceed to file the axe one side at a time. Once you finish with one side, turn the axe around and file the other. Use slow and deliberate strokes and move one stroke at a time. Always wear safety gloves that are specifically designed for this type of work. Always try to maintain the bevel of the blade to avoid reshaping it.

Other ways to sharpen an axe

There are several other ways to sharpen an axe. You could use a bench grinder. You may need additional equipment, such as a bench grinder, safety glasses, and honing oil or beeswax. Always start by cleaning the grinding wheel and axe first. Then, grind one side at a time. Use precision and focus.  

Alternatively, you could use a sharpening stone. This is one of the oldest methods; the only additional tool you will need is a grinding stone. 

Clean your axe and tools before starting. Oil the stone with honing oil. Hold the axe steady with the sharp edge away from you, and use the rough side of the grinding stone to work the edge of the axe.